We are grateful for the ongoing help and assistance ECSC has received from these organisations and individuals:

ECSC works closely with Energy4All who provide a range of services to ECSC. They were also instrumental to the initial development of the co-op.
Established in 2002, Energy4All are a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping communities around the UK to own renewable energy schemes. Itself owned by the community co-operatives it creates, it has now helped develop over 33 different co-operatives who have 17,308 members

On Site Generation
Onsite Generation provide help with the maintenance of our solar panels and are also a valuable source of technical knowledge.
On Site Generation specialise in energy performance consultancy and assessments for both homes and businesses, as well as the installation of heat pumps and photovoltaic solar panels. Based in Roslin, they are a small company that aim to provide a personal service to their customers while helping them to reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions.

City of Edinburgh Council
The buildings that host the ECSC’s panels belong to the City of Edinburgh Council and, through the purchase of the energy produced, the users of their buildings who directly benefit from the power generated. The council also kindly provide a meeting room for board meetings on a regular basis.
Special thanks also go to former council leader Andrew Burns and all the Council Officers and staff who helped to deliver this opportunity for the people of Edinburgh.

Friends of the Earth Scotland
Friends of the Earth Scotland provided valuable support during the initial development of ECSC and our registered address is still their office in Edinburgh today.
One of Scotland’s leading environmental campaigning organisations, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s mission is to promote the transition to a healthy environment and sustainable society. It is Scottish charity with thousands of supporter and a member of Friends of the Earth International.